Empowering The Up And Coming Subsea Engineering Company With A New Website Within 7 Days Of Their Launch


Customer Name

Sea Onshores Solutions




Onshore, Subsea, and SBM services


Web design & development


Sea Onshore Solutions (SOS) is a new player in the Oil & Gas sector of QLD. They entered the Australian market in 2020; previously, they have been operating in New Zealand for the past 11 years.

SOS’s main area of work is focused on Subsea Engineering, integrated maintenance, construction project delivery, and ROV services.

SOS Made The Right Decision Choosing Pixelz360 – No Other Digital Marketing Company Would Have Performed This Well Under Such Time Constraints

In 2020, SOS came to us with an urgent request. They wanted to establish their presence in the QLD’s Oil and Gas industry, but what was missing from their arsenal was an easy-to-use and informative website.

Unlike our other projects with SOS, what we lacked was time. They were about to launch their company within 8 days, and they wanted to have the website up and running within a week.

‘’What we need is a good website, which will showcase our services and maintain a level of professionalism with which we carry out our work – our only problem is, we need it within 7 days before we make the first bid for the project– can you make it happen?’’

– CEO of Sea Onshore Solutions

Of course, we said yes.


What Sea Onshore Solution Wanted?

SOS wanted a virtual platform that they could use to inform their prospective customers of the services they are currently offering. Since they were about to bid on their first project, they wanted a well-structured site to restore prospective customers’ trust in them.
They wanted a website that is polished and refined, just like their skills and experience. Their main objective with the site was to give them a competitive edge against all the other bidders.

Our Approach


Initial Planning

Pixelz360 held several meetings with the SOS top management and other involved employees to figure out what best tech stack is needed to fulfill the requirement of the employees and for the business as a whole.


Designing Stage

SOS wanted its new website to have a user-friendly interface while also adhering to the guidelines provided. Because the time was limited, the design phase was cut short, and Pixelz360s UI/UX designers provided SOS with two high fidelity website designs within 4 days.
The client chose a more contemporary and sleek-looking design that didn’t fall exactly on the guidelines provided by SOS, but they said the chosen design represented them more. We incorporated some client feedback and moved on to the next phase.


Development Stage

We conducted in-depth research on the competitor’s website. We found that the majority of traffic was from mobile devices. So we knew our strategy needed to accommodate smartphone/ small screen viewing as well.
We implemented our strategy by laying out the foundation of the website. Since creating an easy-to-use and informative website was one of the main requirements, we created sitemaps that organized the pages in an intuitive manner.



Once the development phase was done, we successfully transitioned from site staging to an online website built to be viewed on all types of devices. The final step was to upload the content on the website, which was written especially for SOS, and complete the final testing to ensure a bug-free environment.

The Results

The results were more than what SOS had expected.

‘’We knew about Pixelz360 but didn’t expect such fast results. They truly are professionals and the best in their field.’’
– Sea Onshore Solutions’ Representative.

Pixelz360 built them the website they wanted, and luckily they could successfully secure the project they were aiming to bid on. The main challenge with SOS was dynamic scheduling and ensuring the website runs without any faults.
And we achieved that within the time frame of 7 days. Phew.

Looking to give your business a new look?
Or just want to create a top-notch site for your business, we are here to help.